Potato Ricotta Gnocchi

intermediate cooking series
serves 8-10
1-2 hours depending on
gnocchi skills

Description: These little beautiful clouds are delicious. It takes some time and effort, but once you get the hang of making gnocchi it goes quite quickly. A food mill is recommended for "ricing" the potato. I did not do the fancy edging you sometimes see.

2 medium russet potatoes
1 cup of ricotta
2 yolks
3-4 cups flour
olive oil

1. Bake potatoes 375 for about an hour.
2. Remove from oven and cut in half, remove flesh of potato.
3. Run through a food mill into a large mixing bowl.

4. Fold in egg yolks and ricotta.
5. Add flour a half cup at a time, stirring dough with a rubber spatula.
6. Once dough begins to form, start using your hands to work the dough. Dough should be soft but not sticky.

7. Cut a piece of dough off and roll it with both hands in a snake shape. Using a bench knife, cut into 1" long pieces and drop them into boiling water. Once they begin to float, skim them from the water and place on an oiled tray to cool.

Tips and Tricks
you can easily freeze gnocchi once it has been cooked.

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